
Equipping Leaders for Digital Groups

Research and experience prove that adults learn on a need-to-know basis. In light of the pandemic, what do our leaders need to know now and what can we expect of them? Do we ditch the leader development playbook or adapt it?

This webinar will take place on Wednesday, April 29 at 1PM EDT.

Why You Need to Do Online Groups, and How to Do Them


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many church leaders to rethink the way they do small groups.

With everyone quarantined inside their homes and unable to meet in groups, what do we do? Should we just put small groups on hold for a few months? That doesn’t seem right. After all, uncertainty in life should mean we need the refuge of a small group more than ever.

So what are the best apps or platforms that allow people in groups to stay connected during a lockdown?

We’ve compiled a FREE list of group video platforms that can help your church small groups thrive under lockdown! And while we know lockdowns and pandemics aren’t forever, this is a great opportunity to evaluate whether creating a permanent digital groups offering is right for your church.

Interested in talking about that? Check out our Road to re:group 2020 webinar series.


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Continuing Community After the Pandemic

What good has come from this forced time of going digital? How can this impact what we do in the future? Should we ever "go back to normal," and what are the best parts of this experience that we should carry forward?

This webinar will take place Wednesday, April 22nd at 1PM EDT.